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Services We Offer:


  Consultations with Our Clinical Herbalist


     $195.00 for initial visit (1.5 - 2 hrs. length)

     $1.75 minute for follow-up visits

       (Typically, 1st follow-up visits are 45-50 mins. in length and

        subsequent follow-up visits are 35-40 mins. in length, but length of visits may            vary for particular needs.)



Clinical Herbalist Matthew Alfs, MH, RH

 Matthew Alfs, MH, RH (AHG)

About Herbalism

  • Herbalism is the art and science of using plants and plant extracts to support health and to heal. In fact, it is the oldest and most widespread form of healing on the face of planet earth! Not surprisingly, then, the World Health Organization (WHO) has encouraged mem-ber nations to explore their respective indigenous herbal traditions. 

  • Unlike orthodox medicine's pharmaceuticals, herbs have been time-tested as to safety and efficacy over a period of hundreds--sometimes thousands--of years! (Contrast this to the so-called "tested" pharmaceuticals that are yanked from the market each year owing to a litany of verified harmful effects.) In fact, medical pioneers like Hippocrates and Galen were expert herbalists and used herbs as their chief form of healing.

  • While there are several thousand practicing herbalists in the United States, only about 300 of these have had their education and experience thoroughly reviewed by the American Herbalists Guild--the only national body of practicing herbalists in the United States--so as to be granted the status of "registered herbalist" and thus to be able to append the initials "R.H." to their respective names.


         "Over the years, your clinical herbalist Matthew Alfs has helped me with many issues, but the greatest two have been menopause and cancer. He is undeniably the best!" -- K.F.


   "I was having strong menstrual cramps, so I came in for a visit with Matthew Alfs. The supplements that were recommended to me have helped a lot. I also learned quite a bit about nutrition during my visit, which is an interest of mine. -- K.B.


   "I've been seeing Matthew Alfs since I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma two years ago. He has shown how great his skill is by guiding me to help heal my body. He is a compas-sionate man; I'm glad to have him directing my care. I feel very fortunate indeed." -- N.J.

  • Matthew Alfs, M.H., R.H. (A.H.G.) is a clinical herbalist and one of fewer than 300 of such practitioners nationwide whose education and clinical skills have been peer reviewed by the American Herbalists Guild so as to be granted the status of a "registered herbalist" (R.H.). 

  • He is a graduate of Wild Rose College of Natural Healing, where he studied physiology and Western Herbalism and earned his Master-Herbalist(MH) diploma. He subsequently studied Traditional Chinese Medicine at the American Academy of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.  He has been in clinical practice since 1997. 

  • His many articles on clinical herbalism have been published in distinguished journals such as Medical Herbalism, Journal of the American Herbalists Guild, Journal of Medicinal Plant Conservation, Natural Product Communications, Journal of the American Chiropractic Association, and Herb Quarterly. He has also authored the books 300 Herbs: Their Indications & Contraindications (rev. ed., 2020), Diary of a Country Herbalist (2017), and Edible & Medicinal Wild Plants of the Midwest (rev. ed., 2020), as well as a 1500-page curriculum in herbalism for the Midwest School of Herbal Studies (, a forum for distance education in herbal studies that he founded in 2003 and directs to this day.

What Herbalism Can Do for You

    +++ Herbalism can support the health of all of your body systems and thereby accomplish real healing by bringing about homeostasis (health

     balance) and the innate healing potential of your own body, instead of merely addressing your symptoms (as is so often done in

     orthodox medicine, where pharmaceuticals are also often used to cover up the side effects of other pharmaceuticals).


     ---= Schedule a consultation with our clinical herbalist today... in order to experience how he can help YOU!

     You can do this by clicking "Make an Appointment," below.

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